Get an emergency travel document

How it works

You can apply for an emergency travel document (sometimes called an ‘emergency passport’) if you’re abroad, need to travel and cannot get a passport in time.


You can apply for an emergency travel document if all the following apply:

You usually cannot get an emergency travel document if you’ve never had a UK passport. Apply for a UK passport from abroad instead.

What an emergency travel document lets you do

You can use an emergency travel document to travel to your destination through a maximum of 5 countries. You can also normally use it to return to the country you’re applying from if you live there.

Your travel plans (countries and dates) will be printed on your emergency travel document. If you change your travel plans once you have your emergency travel document, you’ll need to apply for a new one.

You may need a visa to leave the country you’re in or to travel through other countries with your emergency travel document. Check with the embassy or consulate of each country.

If your final destination is the UK, border staff will keep your emergency travel document when you arrive. Border staff at a different final destination might also keep the document.

For more information and how to apply go to

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